Barcelona breastfeeding photographer

A breastfeeding and skin-to-skin photo shoot can be a beautiful celebration of motherhood. After giving birth, a woman’s body undergoes significant changes, and it’s natural to feel different when looking in the mirror. These changes are not only physical, but also emotional. Becoming a mother is a profound experience that transforms us in many ways. It’s an opportunity to honor and appreciate our bodies as temples of life.

Breastfeeding and skin-to-skin sessions

WHEN: from the beginning of postpartum until your child is 3 years old.
HOW: nude, semi-nude or however you feel comfortable.
WHERE: at my photography studio in Barcelona.
INVESTMENT: from 285 €.


Skin-to-Skin Photography: Embrace Your True Self, Love Yourself

The arrival of a child is a profound transformation, both internally and externally. Your body undergoes incredible changes to nurture your baby for nine months, but after giving birth, you may feel like a different person. The whirlwind of emotions can sometimes drown out your voice and sense of self. You may avoid looking in the mirror, and when you do, it’s hard to recognize the reflection staring back at you. Fatigue, exhaustion, and a sense of being lost may consume you. Yet, amidst it all, your body remains the safest haven for your baby – because you are home.

Whether you call it breastfeeding, postpartum, or an intimate portrait session, the intention remains the same – capturing your authentic self through the eyes of your baby. Treating yourself to a photo session with your child(ren) is a beautiful way to reconnect with yourself and rediscover the beauty of this new chapter. Regardless of whether you breastfeed or bottle-feed, co-sleep or not, the bond you share with your baby is undoubtedly precious. Allow me to capture these moments in timeless photographs for you.

When is the best time to take breastfeeding photos?

The immediate postpartum period, often referred to as the “cuarentena” in Spain, lasts only a few months after birth. However, the physical process of returning to your pre-pregnancy state takes much longer. Emotionally, the postpartum period can extend well past your baby’s second birthday. As such, there is no definitive “best” time for these sessions. Any time is opportune if you feel the need and desire to capture these precious moments..

In my personal view, the first three years of a child’s life mark the pinnacle of the physical and emotional bond between mother and baby. Whether your baby is just a few weeks old or already crawling or walking, the resulting images will undoubtedly vary. However, one thing remains constant – you are the unwavering source of safety and protection for your baby. In one word: you are home. Your chest, your lap, your face, your hands… your body is the sanctuary that cradles your baby.

A gift for life

Dr. Carlos González aptly describes breastfeeding as a gift for life, and I couldn’t agree more. Breastfeeding establishes an incredibly powerful physical connection with your baby. Your child caresses you, touches you, plays with your hair, your mouth, your navel, or even your other nipple while nursing. Witnessing your baby suckling is a truly magical sight.

While these moments may feel familiar, or even exhausting, now, the truth is that every breastfeeding journey has a beginning and an end. Memories fade faster than we realize, and all these little details that seem like normalcy now will eventually give way to other stages of your baby’s growth. That’s why I wholeheartedly believe that a photo session capturing these moments is truly a gift for a lifetime.

Frequently asked questions about skin-to-skin and breastfeeding photo shoots

What if I don’t breastfeed but bottle feed instead? What if my baby is weaning?

You do not need to be actively breastfeeding to enjoy this kind of photo session. Furthermore, your baby doesn’t need to eat/drink during the session at all. Skin-to-skin sessions portray your bond through touching and caressing, in a relaxed and intimate environment. Make yourself comfortable and enjoy the experience, with or without boobs / formula bottles. Use it as a moment to reconnect with you and your baby; and simply forget about the camera.

Where do these sessions take place?

I offer you a cozy space in my natural light studio near the Sagrada Familia . In my studio you will find a comfortable bed, sheets, blankets and warm light. However, none of this matters. You and your baby are the real stars.

What do I have to do, will you give posing directions?

If you’ve never had your photos taken, you’re probably wondering “what do I do”, if there’s some kind of script to follow or if I’ll be directing you in any way. Most of the time I don’t like to give directions and I prefer you to be genuinely you, just let yourself go. I may suggest you to sit or lay down or try something different, but you are always in charge. Breast, caresses, tickles… depending on the age of the baby your interaction will be different, but I want to capture you as you are.

Do I need to take off my clothes?

You don’t have to. Although showing direct skin-to-skin contact reinforces the emotional side of your photos, you need to feel comfortable at all times during the session, so you decide how far you want to go. Some women undress completely in front of the camera, while others prefer to cover themselves lightly. It’s entirely up to you to decide. Your privacy and well-being always come first. Also, if you are concerned about privacy, there nothing to worry about: you decide if you want to keep the resulting photos to yourself, or if you are ok with me sharing my work on my website or social media. No pressure at all.

Can my partner or my other kids also come?

Breastfeeding / skin-to-skin sessions are very intimate and low key. It’s totally fine with me if your partner and your other kids want to join the session, so it’s up to you. No one knows better than you how you function when you’re all together, or whether you’ll be able to create a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere.

How will I receive my pictures?

Your photos are delivered in digital format. I will send you a link to an online gallery for you to download the resulting pictures, as well as purchase additional prints. The perfect add-on to this type of session is an album, so that you always have your pictures at hand. But whatever your preference, I recommend that you do something with your photos: don’t let them just sit on a flash drive. Prints, albums, wall displays… everything is possible. It makes no sense to store your precious pictures in a digital drawer and let them fade into oblivion.


From childbirth to postpartum: celebrating women’s bodies in photos

In my experience as a birth photographer, I know that feeling safe and cared for is essential for the birthing woman to relax and the birth to progress. When we release oxytocin, everything flows. I am aware that a photo shoot can feel pretty awkward, so I will do my best to make you feel at ease. We can play music, set up the space, and chat during the whole session. Achieving a relaxed environment takes time and dedication, and I am in no hurry.

Making the decision to have someone take such intimate photos of you can feel daunting at first, but it is an act of self-love.

What they say about me…

El mejor regalo que nos han hecho! Queríamos un recuerdo de los primeros meses del bebé y no podemos estar más contentos con el trabajo de Victòria. Consigue crear un ambiente tranquilo y agradable mientras casi ni te das cuenta de que dispara, consiguiendo un resultado fantástico! Sin duda repetiremos 🙂
sandra sanchez I.
sandra sanchez I.
Estuve buscando durante meses dónde hacer la primera sesión de fotografía con mi hija y acabé dando con el perfil de Victòria Peñafiel. Me encantó su enfoque natural y decidí contactar con ella. Buscaba alguien que pudiese plasmar el carácter de mi niña sin filtros, sin poses ni artificios, para que cuando mirase las fotografías la viese a Ella.La sesión la hicimos en su estudio y nos sentimos muy cómodas. Al final, todo fluyó de manera muy natural y se hizo muy fácil.El resultado supera lo esperado. Ha captado su alegría y energía, las miradas traviesa y las de curiosidad. Con lo rápido que crecen, estoy encantada de tener estas fotos que siempre me recordarán Sus pequeños detalles.Repetiremos la experiencia seguro.
Eva Vera A.
Eva Vera A.
Hem tingut una experiència inoblidable! Victòria ens ha fet sentir com a casa, súper còmodes des del primer moment. I la veritat menys mal, anavem molt perduts I no gaire convençuts (ja que era un regal), I gràcies a ella va ser fantàstic. I les fotos... les fotos precioses. Naturals, sutils I sortim guapissims! Ho estic recomanant a tothom!
Irina Castellví G.
Irina Castellví G.
Ens va atendre molt bé i va connectar amb les nenes de seguida. Va ser una estons más lt agradable on totes vam estar jugant i passant-nos-ho bé.
Laia A.
Laia A.
Et sents super còmoda durant la sessió i quan arriben les fotos descobreixes mirades i complicitats familiars que et passen desapercebudes i la mirada te la Victòria te les revela.
Maria P.
Maria P.
Al nacer nuestro segundo hijo decidimos contactar con Victoria porque el trabajo que realiza es espectacular y era lo que realmente buscabamos: espontaneidad, frescura y profesionalidad. Nos hizo sentir como en casa y eso es dificil de conseguir. Sin lugar a dudas lo recomendaria al 100%. Nosotros ya estamos buscando nueva excusa para que nos fotografie de nuevo:) ¡Muchas gracias Victoria!
Cristina R.
Cristina R.
La Victòria és amable i propera. Es guanya als nens/es i procura q tothom estigui còmode. Respecta els ritmes dels petits facilitant la sessió. Una estona agradable i un resultat fantàstic.
Fàcil i còmoda. Resultat genial! Merci.
Anna P.
Anna P.
Ens ha encantat l'experiència de fer una sessió de fotos amb la Victòria. Et fa sentir molt còmode i en un ambient distès tota l'estona. A moments oblides que estàs fent fotos. S'adapta molt bé a la família i a la situació. El resultat va ser preciós, ens queda un gran record per sempre. Tornaria a repetir amb ella sens dubte.
Laia S.
Laia S.
He hecho dos sesiones de foto con Victoria, una embarazada y otra de familia con los dos peques, y estoy super contenta con el trabajo de Victoria. Es una gran profesional y muy creativa. Te hace sentir como en casa en su estudio, y ese buen rollo se refleja en las fotos, muy naturales, nada posadas, espontáneas y llenas de magia. Además que con los niños tiene muy buena comunicación y les sabe captar como son!
Ximena C.
Ximena C.
Enamorada de tot el que fas!
Sílvia C.
Sílvia C.
Sense pressió, sense expectatives, vas i treu el millor de tu, de la familia, dels somriures i dels no-somriures. Hem repetit cinc vegades amb les mini-sesssions i tornarem segur!
Cristina C.
Cristina C.
Fa anys que fem les fotos de família amb la Victòria i molts més que en seguirem. Té una filosofia i una mirada única, natural, i el seu estudi és molt confortable. No dubteu a provar!
Marta L.
Marta L.
Ens vam sentir molt còmodes i el seu estudi és molt bonic i agradable. Era la primera vegada que ens feia fotos una fotògrafa i ens vam sentir com a casa amb la victòria. De seguida es va entendre amb la nostra filla de 2 anys i el resultat ens encanta! Ho recomanem molt!
Clara B.
Clara B.
Estamos encantados con las fotos que nos ha hecho Victoria como familia (Sesión embarazo). Son preciosas y reflejan muy bien cómo somos como familia
Clívison de S.
Clívison de S.
Si duda una de las mejores, me encanta la sensibilidad que tiene, como consigue captarte en las imágenes. Me gusta mucho reconocernos al verlas, sin poses, con mucha naturalidad, un ambiente tranquilo y acogedor.Vio nacer a mi hija pequeña, justo lo recordábamos el otro día, las fotografías de la cesárea y del momento en el que se conocieron mis hijas son un tesoro y un regalo maravilloso.
Beatriz F.
Beatriz F.
Un fantàstic record de la familia plasmat en imatges molt naturals. Recomenable a totes les famílies amb petits que creixen ràpid.
Laia C.
Laia C.
Buscábamos un recuerdo de la lactancia y familiar con nuestro bebé y hemos acertado. Seguía de hace tiempo a Victòria porque tiene un estilo muy propio captando detalles en lo cotidiano y por eso nos decidimos buscando una sesión muy natural.Victòria transmite seguridad, flexibilidad, confianza y mucho amor durante la sesión.El resultado es fantástico, justo lo que buscábamos; fotos naturales, sencillas y captando momentos de la sesión muy bonitos.Creo que cuando nuestro peque vaya creciendo repetiremos alguna otra sesión 😍😜
Manuela Yerbes M.
Manuela Yerbes M.
Nos encantó su trato y como manejo la sesión para que todos, peques y papás nos sintiéramos muy cómodos!Además el resultado espectacular. Súper recomendable!!!!
Uxue V.
Uxue V.
Ens van regalar una sessió newborn i no sabíem com anava això, però ens va encantar la manera de com duu a terme aquest tipus de sessions. Va ser un mati de petar la xerrada amb tranquil•litat. Té bona mà amb els bebès, té molta experiència, agafava la nostra bebe i la calmava per fer les fotos.El resultat de les fotos ha estat brutal. Ens ha agradat moltíssim.
Alba M.
Alba M.

Get in touch

[email protected]
Tel.: 637622983
Carrer de Sicília, 253, 6è, 2n,
08025 Barcelona
(see how to get there on Google Maps)

Victòria Peñafiel Fotografia

Carrer de Sicília, 253, 6è, 2n,
08025 Barcelona

Want to book a session with me?

Tell me what resonates with you, what you would like to capture from your journey through motherhood. I’m not aiming at taking pictures that look like a “postcard” version of you – I want to portray you as you are

Newborn photography in Barcelona

Family & kids photography in Barcelona

Barcelona breastfeeding photographer


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